Work experience
Client Manager & Lead for Person Centred Approaches, Oxygen Strategy -present
Health Service Project Manager, Crohn’s & Colitis UK -3 years
Development Manager (People Powered Health and Wellbeing), the ALLIANCE -2 years
Network Development Manager, the ALLIANCE -5 years
Communications Co-ordinator, ENABLE Scotland -4 years
Other experience
Other Experience
Freelance copywriter, various clients
Patient Reported Experience Measure Development Group (University of Sheffield/Health Foundation)
Supported Self Management Project Group (Crohn's & Colitis UK)
Modernising Patient Pathways IBD Steering Group (Scottish Government)
National IBD Service Development Steering Group (Crohn's & Colitis UK/ Scottish Government)
Research & Development Consultant (Creative Loop)
Project Management (Adapta)
Qualitative Market Research in Healthcare (BHBIA)
Exemplary People Management (Public Relations and Communications Association)
Instagram for Business (Business Gateway)
Scottish Improvement Foundation Skills Programme (NHS Education for Scotland)
Writing for the Web, Using Case Studies (Third Sector Lab)
Report Writing, PR and Marketing (Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations)
Media Training (Comsteria)
MA (Hons) Linguistics, the University of Edinburgh -1999
More information about my CV and experience is available on request